Sunday, October 28, 2007

Drum roll, the real me......

Getting my relaxed ends cut was a true revelation to me. I screamed for joy as I looked at myself for the first time with all natural hair. I loved it, but was sad at the same time. Sad because I missed so many years of being me. Finally I have reached a part of my life where I can be naturally me. I wish everyone could experience their natural hair for just one day. Then make a decision after you see the natural you.

There is nothing like it. It is liberating and uplifting, its beyond words.


Aya said...

Congratulations on the loss of your permed ends. Your picture is quite nice, and you both look very happy and in love.

Sogolocs said...

Thanks Aya, you are so right. I am experiencing happiness and love at the same time. What a way to put it.

KnottyAuthor said...

it's an awesome thing to step into whom you were made to be! you look wonderful! and i agree with you regarding the locks, for myself. Learning not to pass judgement on those that regard it as a hairstyle. To me, it's like telling me to get rid of my husband b/c I already 'did''s a commitment i've consecrated. it's just that serious to me, so shoot me?!!!

Sogolocs said...

Yes, I love this natural part of me that was hidden for most of my life. I will always have locks as long as I can have someone to tighten them.