Friday, November 9, 2007

Can over grooming cause breakage ?

I was reading an article about locs and it stated that over grooming may cause breakage. So far I have not experienced problems with breakage. I need to hear from others that use roller setting, bantu knots or braiding for a textured look. Any feedback is appreciated.


Amba said...

I was definitely advised by my consultant at the beginning not to play around too much with styling as my hair had been weakened by years of perms and even 2 years of braids/weaves prior to having my locks put in. She said freestyling initially was something she recommended at least until my locks settled. Even though I was all natural, my hair was still vulnerable to breakage from overhandling. I think she was right

Camille said...

I agree with amba. My consultant as well as my loctician (when I had traditional locks) both warned against over manipulation for those reasons.
To answer the question that you left on my blog, after cutting out my traditional locks without much care, I unintentionally styled my hair for sisterlocks. I guess I was just lucky in how I chopped my locks. Now, my SL's just fall into a style of their own.

Aya said...

Unfortunately, I had breakage with my locks and I think a big factor was overgrooming. My hair was not weak from perming, but was not in the best condition when my locks were installed. I found that the less tension, the better. I still freestyle mostly.

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie pie!!! I really need to add you to my feed! I keep missing your updates!! Your hair looks fab. Isn't life better without relaxed ends?

I can't say much about grooming, since i've never had one. But, i would imagine that the less hair there is floating around to lock, the weaker, the lock, no? Dunno. I've never had a lock break off, either.